5 Nutrients to Boost Energy in Our Cells

Dean Gee
4 min readAug 16, 2024
Photo by Hayley Kim Studios on Unsplash

Females are the key to cellular energy

You may not know that we have around 1,500 energy factories in each of the cells of our body except the red blood cells.

These energy factories are our mitochondria. These factories need food and we should therefore give them what they need to power our cells and increase our energy levels.

We inherit Mitochondrial DNA from our mothers, so your maternal line is your energy production line. Paternal (your father’s) mitochondrial DNA is shut off soon after the egg is fertilized and researchers think it is because the paternal DNA could affect the developing embryo.

Now that we have cleared that up as background, let’s get onto the nutrients that can grow our energy and add years to our life and life to our years.

Powerful antioxidant

COQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that assists with breaking down fats and carbohydrates into ATP, the energy format required by the mitochondria in our cells. Our muscles love COQ10, particularly our heart muscles, which is why it is so important for energy and heart health.

Now there is a different form of COQ10, which is more bioavailable and easier to digest and this supplement is called ‘ubiquinol.’ CoQ10 is…



Dean Gee

Corporate Director, writing about health, weird phenomena, leadership, good ideas, in Data Driven Investor,Illumination.