One Healthy Food Often Demonised

Dean Gee
3 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by matthew reyes on Unsplash

Okay, okay, the picture is merely clickbait. French Fries are not healthy for you, or me, not because of the fries but because of the fries, as in the frying, in oil and goodness knows what other fats they use in fast-food places these days.

Pro Potato vs anti -potato

As Super Tramp sings.

‘When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical
And all the birds in the trees, well they’d be singing so happily
Oh joyfully, oh playfully watching me’… eat my fries so gleefully.

Okay, that last part, the ‘eating fries’ part, was me, but that was essentially my position on potatoes.

Then came the fitness fads, and they came thick and fast and potatoes and anything to do with them were taboo. They were lower than fish faeces.

Then we had a set work book to read at school and it was about this poor family living in Africa. They were tree fellers. That’s what they did for a living.

The way they described these strapping wood choppers in the book made them seem like strong and muscular brutes. Their staple diet was … wait for it.. potatoes.



Dean Gee

Corporate Director, writing about health, weird phenomena, leadership, good ideas, in Data Driven Investor,Illumination.