How did Russia evolve?
The Russia we know today has a rather interesting history, and the people groups that populate Russia today have diverse backgrounds and origins.
Like any country, there is a complex back story forged in steel and blood.
Russia’s history is jam-packed with seafaring warriors and nomadic land tribes that were invaders. Vikings also played their part in Russian History just like they did in British history.
A medieval state known as ‘Kievan Rus’ rose and fell and is intricately woven into the history of modern day Russia.
Let’s start in the first millennium, what we have is large nomadic tribes, many groups of tribes that spread through the forests of Eastern Europe.
The tribes shared a common Slavic language, but had no writing system. Archaeological and Middle Eastern historical records and information gleaned from a monk named ‘Nestor,’ tell us that by the 7th century, these Slavic tribes split into Western, Southern and Eastern branches.
These tribes were polytheistic in their religious beliefs.
After years of being subject to raids from Vikings from the north, the regions' tribes revolted and fought back and drove back the Vikings.